Our Ambassador Caroline shares her mental health insights and a message of hope on this particularly important day.

It is World Mental Health Day this week which for me is pretty apt as, by pure coincidence, there is more potential for me to mentally struggle over the next few days because of the simple reason my routine has had to change.  

I am not able to get out of the house and train as I usually do and I find that hard.  I am lucky I am able to train at home which I do three times a week but, for my mental health, I do also need to get out of the house, to physically step away from everything, have that me time, the me time that works in keeping the dark clouds at bay that can sometimes surround me.  Getting out in the fresh air cycling and running is particularly important to me.  As are classes at the gym, time with like-minded people and of course, swimming.  

Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, happy hormones which reduce stress; ward off anxiety and depression; boost self-esteem and, amongst other beneficial facts; improve sleep.  We all know with a better nights sleep the ability to cope with anything the next day is massively increased, this is so true for me and I know for so many other mums too – lack of sleep lack of patience!  

I feel a sense of freedom when I exercise – escapism from my busy mind and busy life.  
I feel more focused and have more motivation for everything else in my life.  Any tension dissipates and is replaced with a positive energy.  When I’m out cycling or running I love breathing the fresh air and taking in my surroundings – the beauty of the countryside, the people walking by, the differing sights and sounds.  I am buzzing with all the feel good feels!  

When I’m in the water I totally switch off from any worries, the heavy feeling anxiety brings melts away and I feel so peaceful.  I have a sense of achievement and my confidence and determination is boosted.  I feel stronger and happier.  

However, being all or nothing and a creature of habit, there is the chance that because things are different this week I will lose the motivation and focus to train as hard or as much as I usually do.  This change can result in a negative effect on my mental health and therefore a negative effect on my daily life, on me as a person which of course includes me as a mum.  I get uptight, l lack enthusiasm and energy, my get up and go goes!  I feel low, I lose my sparkle.  Consistency is key in order for exercise to have both physical and mental health benefits.  Doing something once a week is not enough to make a real difference.  Although that said it is a start and better than nothing.  

So, in order for consistency to remain, it is necessary to adapt to changes in routine and that is exactly what I am trying to do this week.  For example, in addition to jumping on the bike at home, I will get outside skipping and do a couple of at home HIIT workouts to get my heart rate up and really give those endorphins a boost!  My kids like to be active too and therefore weekdays are hectic after school with various clubs but, Thursdays are free and the weather looks good so I will take them out for a bike ride after school.  
I will play uplifting music and soundtrack my workouts with Radio 1 Dance, loud!  
I will wear outfits that are vibrant and make me feel good.  
I will remind myself of the goals I have and what I need to continue to do to achieve them. 
I will make the best of what is in my control and also what isn’t.  

Exercise is so good for mental health, it has literally been a lifeline for me bringing sunshine even on the darkest of days.  Be active, be happy. 

Words by Caroline Lote 2023

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