
Sweet Itch

Give your horse the best protection this season

The summer season brings with it biting insects that are a real nuisance, and for some horses they can cause all manner of issues.

Sweet itch is the allergic reaction that some horses can have to culicoides midge saliva when they bite. These are small, weak flying insects that cannot cover long distances or fly against a breeze. The immune system repels the saliva but also attacks its own cells, which then causes the symptoms of sweet itch.

Symptoms include severe itching, hair loss, thickening of the skin, and weeping sore areas. This is most commonly around the top of the tail and the mane, but can be anywhere over the body, and presents itself between March to October time when midges are active.

There is no cure for sweet itch, so it is best to prevent the midges from biting before first contact. Using a rug that provides protection from ear to tail, such as the Horseware Rambo Hoody, will help prevent biting but should be used before itching begins. Pair this with a full face fly mask like the LeMieux Armourshield Fly Mask for full protection around the ears and jaw.

Using a good fly repellent will give added protection around the areas that you cannot cover. Leovet Power Phaser is backed by intensive research and is effective against all insects for up to 7 hours. Alternatively, Deosect is a concentrated insecticide for the control of flies that only needs to be used monthly for an effective barrier.

If sweet itch has already taken hold, you can soothe the symptoms in a number of ways. A shampoo such as the Barrier Anti-Itch Soothing Shampoo will gently calm sore and irritated areas whilst removing bacteria and maintaining a healthy coat. Alternatively, the NAF Teatree Oil Shampoo contains natural disinfectants and anti bacterial agents to protect the skin when it needs it most.

To relieve the itch without the hassle of bathing him, CDM Killitch is a soothing lotion that is proven to prevent and treat sweet itch when rubbed into affected areas 3-4 times a week throughout the sweet itch season. Leovet No Rub also helps to relieve itchiness and calms irritated and stressed skin whilst creating a barrier against infection.

To break the itch-scratch cycle with a cream, NAF’s Skin Salve contains aloe vera to soothe irritated areas. Use daily for effective relief. For a cream with added repellent properties, Nettex Summer Freedom Salve will repel against new bites and support hair regrowth, and works with a once weekly application when used from early in the season.

Providing support from within will help give your horse the best protection. Global Herbs Skratch is essential to help soothe and maintain healthy skin whilst supporting digestion to aid comfort and hair growth. NAF’s D-itch also contains antioxidants to flush out the toxins associated with itchy skin, alongside herbs and nutrients to support strong, healthy skin.

Stabling your horse from dusk to dawn when midges are most active will help prevent him from getting bitten, but managing your pasture including keeping water baths clean, regular poo picking, and keeping your muck heap away from the field and stable will also be beneficial.

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