A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, or actually in the English countryside in the 1950’s, a bloke called Edgar Ellington set about trying to solve the rather serious issue of trench foot. His idea was to create a sock that prevented water ingress by coating it in Latex. This completely failed, and instead he ended up creating the water balloon, giving kids everywhere something to hurl at one another over summer.

Of course, the idea was out there now and eventually a waterproof sock became a reality. Fast forward to today and we’ve a wreath of choice to weatherproof our tootsies with. What with all the options, one does have to wonder, are DexShells any good? Well, if one was to refer to their marketing material, which is perplexingly devoid of all rain, you would have to conclude: “maybe?”. We weren’t sure, so we took them for a spin.

Initially, we were met by the same problem as the DexShell marketing team, as it hadn’t rained in a week. Unperturbed by such trivial things as imperfect weather conditions we boldly set about running in them anyway, and found a puddle and stream to utilise. What do you know, they’re comfy and they work. Crucially, they don’t turn your foot into boil in the bag rice, which was a serious concern.

To test their waterproofness to the limit, we filled them full of water and spun them round. A simple but effective test – they passed. If you want waterproof socks for winter running that don’t feel like wearing plastic bags on your feet, these are the ones.

Find DexShells and lots of other great kit at our Keswick store (Lake District), and on our website HERE.


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