


In a world of diverse languages and cultures, clear communication is key to providing excellent customer service. Microsoft Dynamics 365 recognised this need and embraced Real-Time Translation in its Omnichannel feature, a game-changer for organisations aiming to deliver seamless and inclusive customer experiences. This article will delve into the benefits of leveraging Real-Time Translation in Omnichannel Dynamics 365, illustrating its impact on enhancing customer interactions and business operations. Definition and Features Real-Time Translation is a…

Introduction If you’re looking to dive into Dynamics and start creating those snazzy dashboards, here’s the lowdown: You’ll need two things in your toolkit. First up, you gotta have Office 365, and secondly, you’ll need a license for Dynamics 365. These two buddies are your golden tickets to enter the dashboard world. With them, you’ll be able to whip up some fantastic standard dashboards. Now, here’s the inside scoop: if you’re aiming for those super…

In the world of customer service, chatbots have become a popular tool for providing quick and efficient support. Power Virtual Agent is a platform that allows businesses to build their chatbots with a simple, drag-and-drop interface. One of its key features is the ability to use suggested topics to quickly expand a chatbot’s repertoire and improve the customer experience.

We recently assisted a CRMCS customer, Citrus-Lime, in acquiring and deploying Omnichannel for Dynamics 365 Customer Service with the live-chat add-on. We spent a day with Citrus on-site as they launched their new live chat widget. We assigned new licenses to users, updated their security roles, and checked their access after acquiring the correct licenses. If you haven’t read Part 1 – Dynamics day in the life with Omnichannel CLICK HERE Dedicated Resources To give…

It is proven that using a customer’s name to address them will have a more effective rate of enticement than generic messages, so it can be compelling to give the feeling of a conversation rather than a simple business transaction. We expect this in our human customer service agents, so why not our bots?  In this guide, I will show a couple of techniques you can use to make your chatbot a more personable conversationalist.